I can’t stop buying from this place…..

Guys, this place keeps putting out more and more stock, and the prices of all the retro software are remaining at the same generic price no matter the title. If this place continues to do this I am going to be broke in a few short months. I seriously mean it! πŸ˜€

What would you do in my position? On the one hand I know this can’t last forever and I should buy up while the pickings are good, but on the other hand I should really be thinking of the money I’m spending…. Quite the conundrum….

Anyway, now to the latest haul….

I decided to go through the Famicom and Super Famicom titles just for something different this time. I really wish I knew what titles I should be looking for for FC/SFC though, so if any of you guys know what titles are the hardest to come by please let me know. You can see I got a few GunNacs as I know they are quite rare, but the rest were chosen based on the company names and graphics on the carts – yes, I’m still a Famicom newb.

Without further ado, the stuff!

The Famicom stuff. Hopefully I picked up a few hard to come by titles?

3DO and a few other bits and pieces. I am sooooo damn happy I managed to score myself a RoadRash – I have been on the hunt for one of these for more than a year! To get it this cheap, and with so many other great games is purely the icing on the cake. Oh and to get an L-Dis for the PCE was great news too – one shooter that was missing from my CDROM2 pile.

Only a few Dreamcast titles this time. There weren’t many new ones there, although I might have just missed the rush when they first were put up.

Few more NeoGeoCD games, plus some PS1 disks, and one lonely MegaCD. I seriously hope they put more NeogeoCD games out. Actually scratch that, wish they would put AES games out at the same price instead! πŸ˜€

A nice boxed PCEngine Duo. I gave this a quick test and the sound seemed a little bit quiet, so it might need a cap replacement soon, but other than that it’s in nice shape.

A few Saturn games. Saturn games seem to be reducing in numbers there now, but every time I go I still run through them to make sure they haven’t put a Radiant Silvergun out.

Super Famicom. Again, I don’t really know which titles are hard to come by and which aren’t. I was sure I didn’t have some of these titles, so I grabbed them, but there are so many more there I don’t have any idea about. If any of you guys can recommend some games that I should be picking up for the SFC, please let me know.

Well, that’s the latest. Not a bad pile even by Japanese standards. πŸ˜€

Sean @ RetroOtaku, you have to get your arse into gear and get over here!! We will probably have to hire a small truck, but it will be well worth it believe me. πŸ˜€

Another Super Haul!

It seems as if all I am doing recently is posting about massive shopping sprees… I promise I will get back to indepth posts regarding retro gaming soon, but at the moment I have to use what little time I have to get out there and snap up these bargains before this plays runs dry! I cannot express in words the feeling when I walk in there, and even more stock is being added – this place is a gold mine at the moment!

So what did I get this time? Well, everything I could get my hands on within 20 minutes is the answer. πŸ˜€

Saturn Games:

PCE and PC-FX (click to enlarge):
hucards pcfx


Famicom, and Famicom DiskSystem (notice the DiskSystem titles are mostly complete packs as well? Lucky score indeed!):
disk-system famicom-nes


More Playstation and Xbox:

Gameboy (one of those is a unit that lets you connect a Gameboy up to a mobile phone for multiplayer action – I think :D):

MegaDrive and SuFamicarts:

Nintendo 64:

Game&Watch Donkey Kong II in absolutely amazing condition:

And finally Super Famicom:

I cannot believe the bargains I am getting from this place!! They have workers putting gear out as fast as it’s going off the shelves though. In fact while I was there this time, there were guys just waiting with baskets as things were being put up. All those PCE HuCards were grabbed even before they hit the shelves – the woman putting them up was a little shocked as I didn’t even look at them carefully before throwing them in the basket.

Ahhh Japan, you’ve done it again. πŸ˜€

Some Good News and….. – Part 4

So the final day of the Golden Week Holidays has come (which isn’t actually a full week if you’re wondering), and another car load of games and gear arrives at home.

My brain is totally fried from going through thousands (yes, thousands) of games, picking out which I want, then carting baskets back and forth. It’s a hard life for a game hoarder in Japan. ?

As I thought, this shop did in fact put out another heap of games today, but I definitely cleaned them out in relation to NeoGeoCD, PCE, and 3DO the past few days as there weren’t any new ones today.

Anyway, now to today’s load!

I was pretty wrapped to find MvC 1 and 2 there today, plus I got another copy of ChuChuRocket just to make sure Frank can have one.


Just a few gems.

Sega Saturn

More PCE stuff, NeoGeo controller, some PS1 disks, and a few other grabs.

NeoGeo PCE Dreamcast

All up, this holiday break has been freaking amazing for gear! The wife is freaking slightly, but I have reassured her that at least the triples will be sold off. ?

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Some Good News, and…… – Part 2

So as you know, yesterday I managed to score myself quite a large haul of retro gaming goodness. The only trouble was that the store I got them from seems to be abandoning their retro gaming section – this totally sucks, but I am not here to talk about at the moment.

I am here to show you the games that I got yesterday all spread out! πŸ˜€

First off here are the Saturn games. Not a huge lot, but there are a few that I didn’t have before.


Next up, Dreamcast. Some interesting titles in this bunch, but the pick would have to be the three Pop’n’Music disks for me.


Sega MegaCD. I love getting my hands on MegaCD games for some reason. I think it’s because I wanted one so badly back in the day, but I sort of missed the boat and jumped straight to the PS1.


Loose NEC HuCards. I was a little surprised by how many doubles of the HuCards I snagged – that’s what happens when it’s a feeding frenzy I guess.


Now to the cased HuCards.


NEC SuperCDRoms. Fighting Street made its way in there for some reason, but that should have been in the regular CDROM photo. Turns out there are two Fighting Streets though.




NEC Arcade and one lonely SuperGraphics card.


NeoGeo CDs. I am always asked to get these so I bought pretty much all they had left. The ones I missed out on that I saw last week though will give me nightmares for months though!!! πŸ™


Panasonic 3DO. I was really hoping to find a stray RoadRash in the frenzy, but it wasn’t ot be. I did expand the 3DO collection pretty well with this bunch though.


Playstation 1 and Playstation 2. Some great titles in this lot – specially for the PS1. *Click on the thumbs to enlarge.

playstation playstation-2-ps2

Missed these yesterday when I took the pics. A Gameboy Pikachu printer, some NeoGeo Pocket games, and a lonely VirtualBoy cart.

pikashu-gameboy-printer neogeo-pocket-virtual-boy

Finally another one that didn’t show in the pics yesterday – an Epoch Hang-On. I actually got this for HairballNick as I thought he might like to have a matching pair. Let me know if you’re keen Nick.


Well, it was fun actually having the time to dig through this latest haul today. I must have been glazed over judging by the amount of doubles I picked up though. I am sure there are those of you out there thinking six SFII HuCards are a bit much, but then I am sure there are those of you out there that are thinking why stop at only six. πŸ˜€

Some Good News, and……

Well, some of you may remember the post in which I talked about a retro gaming mega-store here in Japan with one of the biggest ranges I have seen anywhere. If not you can take a look at it here:

Retro Gaming Store in Japan

Anyway I had a few minutes over lunch today, so why not head out before the golden week rush for a “junk” run right? I am extremely happy I took the time, as it seems that this shop (the mega-store of all mega-stores in my area) had reduced the prices of all the retro games to sell – this is the good news if you’re wondering. Prices were all the same regardless of titles too! Knowing the stock of this place, the bargains people would have gotten before me would have been insane.

The bad news is that it looks as if they are taking focus away from retro all together. πŸ™ Shelving has reduced in size, with some shelves even have disappeared since I was last there. This is sad, sad news for the long term as this place was (past tense used with great sorrow) a goldmine…..

So today I went out in a blaze of glory with over 300 games purchased in one go. Here are a few pics:

Japanese games 1

Japanese games 2

Japanese games 3

I did speak with the guy behind the counter asking why there were reductions in prices, and he answered “they were always this price”. Um, no they weren’t. I was there only a week or so ago and they weren’t this cheap. I will go in again soon and ask someone else. I seriously hope they are just making space for more stock, but unfortunately it doesn’t look like it. πŸ™

Japanese games 4

Japanese games 5

So as you can see I cleaned up on PCE, MegaCD, 3DO, NGCD, Saturn, and DC. The amount of cool DC and NGCD games I would have missed out on though….

It really is a time of great sadness even though I got so many great games. I feel totally torn – on the one hand I got some great games that I have been after for a while, but on the other hand this place may cease to exist!

I will keep you posted….. πŸ™

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